
Bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc
Bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc

bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc

of course, don't shoot the door or glass away. But with all your plasmids, tonics and weapon power you bring with you. Stanley Poole for example he is behind a door, not a very big and huge door, just a normal security door. You have heavy weapon power but a cabinet is blocking the way and you, of course, need to backtrack through whole map and get a perk (aka plasmid) to get through. The story feels not really embedded into the gameplay. The audio logs you can find are okay, but like in Bioshock 1 it makes no real sense where you find them and that you find so many of them in the must random places. Because of the the fights felt powerless and unnecessarily long. they want you to upgrade your weapons (artificial game length extension). Yes it is that quick (i did not stop time though) Also your weapons feel weak. If you use your drill for 5 seconds your fuel is empty. They know a big daddy would be overpowered, so tehy made it that you have to fill up drill fuel all the time. Okay i played on highest difficulty so i was definitely vulnerable, but it just feels not right. Also that you are a big daddy now is a bit unsatisfying because as a human you were vulnerable. Also that you are a big daddy now is a bit unsatisfying because as a human you were It feels like an overlength DLC for Bioshock 1.

bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc

It feels like an overlength DLC for Bioshock 1.

Bioshock vs bioshock remastered pc